There are six types of currency used in DSDN:
Pence (bits)
Common Credits (CCs)
Noble Credits (NCs)
Government Credits (GCs)
Quantum Credits (QCs)
Universal Credits (UCs)
Pences, common credits, and quantum credits are considered common currencies. They are the standard (or common) currencies used within a star system to carryout everyday commercial activities. They are the only currencies regulated, controlled, and typically produced by a Commerce Controller. Noble credits, government credits, and universal credits are considered non-common currencies, but are still heavily used throughout the several galaxies. These currencies are not bound to a specific star system and can be used practically anywhere the issuing agency has its reach.
Commerce Controller
The Commerce Controller is the chief economic authority in DSDN. It regulates and controls all of the currency in use throughout the star system. It is an independent agency with the sole purpose of ensuring a stable common currency, determining the exchange rates of non-common currencies with common currencies, and managing the production and certification of common currencies. The Controller is a board of governors, one governor representing each sovereign nation in the star system. Ownership of at least 51% of a planet grants a nation the power to appoint one governor to the board. Each governor has a vote and a majority determines the Controller's final decision. At the beginning of any campaign or adventure, the Architect may have to serve as the Controller, if the Controller has a role to play. Alternatively, each player that represents a different race can serve as a board governor and together can serve as the Controller. There must be a minimum of three governors representing three different nations in order for players to serve as a Controller. Race doesn't matter so long as the players are able to clearly define themselves as separate from their race's home nation. If the players of the same nation can not decide among themselves who will serve as a governor, they are to roll percentile. The highest roll gets the position. If all of the players are of the same nation, or if only the players of one nation elect to be governors, the Architect will serve as the Controller.
Please note that having a Controller is not necessary to every campaign. An adventure can be had without the political machinations of the Controller.
A pence is the smallest unit of currency in DSDN. It is equivalent to 1/100 of a common credit. A pence is oftentimes referred to as a bit, the smallest unit in data.
Common Credits
A common credit is the standard form of currency in DSDN. It is used to purchase practically everything that is needed in everyday life in a star system. It is equivalent to 1/10,000 of a quantum credit.
Noble Credits
A noble credit is a term used to describe the currency used primarily by the nobility and aristocratic governments. It is issued and regulated by the central banks of individual governments and so its value is based on the stability and economic power of the issuing government. Smaller sovereign nations, or semi-autonomous regions within non-aristocratic governments may use noble credits as a way to distinguish itself from the larger government to which it is a subject. This currency's value can fluctuate daily. Noble credit is the only currency that comes in a physical form, and are normally minted or printed with a royal insignia or family crest. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, reflective of the issuing nation. Typically, they are worth more than common credits, but can drop in value at anytime. The average noble credit can be exchanged for 2 to 12 common credits.
Government Credits
A government credit is a term used to describe the primary currency used by non-aristocratic governments and select private agencies that have a strong relationship with such governments. It is issued and regulated by the central banks of the individual governments and so its value is based on the stability and economic power of the issuing nation. It is not uncommon for aristocratic governments to attempt to pass off their currency as government credits to those who are unfamiliar with the difference. Government credits can fluctuate periodically in its value. The name of the currency can be different and is normally preceeded by the issuing government (ex: OEA Central Notes, Xenon Federal Credits, etc). Typically they are worth more than common credits, and are much more stable than noble credits. The average government credit can be exchanged for 5 to 10 common credits.
Quantum Credits
A quantum credit is a form of currency that is typically used by the incredibly rich, governments, and corporations. A quantum credit is equivalent to 10,000 common credits. Quantum credits are heavily regulated and are traceable.
Universal Credits
A universal credit is considered a non-common currency, like the noble and government credits, however it is used by interstellar alliances and interstellar trade organizations. It is regulated by the central economic units of these intergalactic institutions and are usually more stable. Local economic controllers of an unaffiliated star system would normally set a fixed exchange rate with each alliance or institution. Unless some major political or economic shift occurs, these exchange rates remain largely untouched. Depending on the issuing institution, universal credits are considered the safest form of currency to have. A universal credit typically trades for 10 to 20 common credits, depending on the institution.